Royalties MetadataView returns information about the receiver of royalties during a transfer.
import Golazos from 0xGOLAZOSADDRESS
import MetadataViews from 0xMETADATAVIEWSADDRESS
pub fun main(address: Address, id: UInt64): MetadataViews.Royalties {
let account = getAccount(address)
let collectionRef = account.getCapability(Golazos.CollectionPublicPath)
?? panic("Could not borrow capability from public collection")
let nft = collectionRef.borrowMomentNFT(id: id)
?? panic("Couldn't borrow momentNFT")
return nft.resolveView(Type<MetadataViews.Royalties>())! as! MetadataViews.Royalties